Yes! I'm ready!

The Shift Experience is a 50-60 min Human Design Reading?

A walk through your unique Human Design. What makes this different is how focused it is based on the questions on the intake form. 

My goal is for you to feel the SHIFT with Human Design, making it as tangible and applicable as possible. Depending on the questions, I will tailor the reading to hone in what can make the biggest SHIFT. 

Each Shift Experience Includes:

⦿ 50 - 60 Min Live Reading + Recording + Slides

⦿ Complete look at how you are designed to interact with life, make decisions and live in full alignment (type, strategy, and authority)

⦿ What you are here to contribute to the collective and your overall personality. 

⦿ Key components to your manifestation process. 

⦿ How your energy impacts others and where you are receptive to others' energy, where you might be susceptible to conditioning, and where your gift lie. (Undefined and Defined Centers)

⦿ Q+A Portion.

+ Much more depending on the information that would be most relevant to you based on the questions.

Yes! I'm ready!

Jordan S.


What an awesome experience! Learning about my human design with Ale was exactly what I needed in my life. I wanted to learn more about my human design, and how I could apply this knowledge to my personal life. Ale was patient in allowing me to share my story, she listened for keywords, and was able to tie my story into how I operate as a Projector. She made me feel like I was valued, and with that we were able to dive deeper into the important topics of my human design. She is your go to person for human design readings and personal transformation. I feel way more clear about my direction now.

Chandler H.


My human design blueprint was SO ON POINT. Everything resonated on a whole new level and I (finally) felt internally validated. I loved the question prompts too and I’m definitely going to incorporate that into my life to make sure I’m actually aligned with the decisions I’m making. Thank you thank you thank you!!

Luciana P.


This ready has actually changed my overall life and I feel like it all makes sense. I started asking myself questions in a specific manner and can actually tap into what feels good for me. Before, I would get overwhelmed when making decisions in my life.  

Hi I am Ale! 

I have obsessed with using Human Design as a tool along with your subconscious patterns to create a life that you desire and that feels good to your unique design. When I found out about Human Design, my life actually SHIFTED. It made so much sense, so ever since then I have adopted it as one of my most powerful tools.